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Why Is Our Tree Not Growing?

With the arrival of spring several weeks ago, many Houston property owners have begun to see increased growth in lawns, gardens, and trees. Unfortunately for some Houston homeowners, spring may have revealed a lack of growth, causing concern for these owners. There are several causes for why a tree might not be growing new leaves or branches, which we will discuss in today’s blog post. Hopefully, if your tree is experiencing little to no spring time growth, you can get your tree the help it needs to recover and begin growing again.

Tree Diseases

One of the most common causes of lack of growth for trees is a tree disease such as oak wilt or hypoxylon cankers. These diseases can diminish the health of a tree in a short time, causing leaf wilting, crown dieback, and damage to the trunk and limbs. Tree diseases can usually be treated by Certified Arborists to save the life of a tree, but early detection is crucial. Regular tree maintenance and inspection by Certified Arborists can help catch the warning signs early and prevent major damages or even tree death. Amateur tree crews or landscapers will often overlook or ignore a tree’s warning signs, and the tree will likely die to the disease.

Poor Soil Health

Trees depend on healthy soil in order to gain essential nutrients and soil minerals for tree and root development. When soil is compromised, it can have a detrimental effect on the immediate and long-term health of the tree. Common causes of poor soil health include contamination from nearby construction, soil compaction from construction or foot traffic, dry conditions from a lack of moisture, or standing pools of water from poor drainage. Correcting these issues can help trees regain their ability to get water, sunlight and minerals from the soil, and ultimately restore their health.

Insect Damages

Insects can cause widespread destruction to otherwise healthy lawns, gardens, and trees, especially younger trees. Tree insects can attack the leaves, bark, and even root systems, and early detection is key to preserve the tree’s health and prevent the spread of the insects to other nearby trees and plants. Property owners will benefit from having regular tree maintenance and inspection by Certified Arborists to check for insects and prevent infestations.

Root Girdling

One of the less common threats to tree health comes from root girdling, which occurs when tree roots begin to circle back around the tree trunk under the soil instead of expanding outward. Root girdling can choke the life out of a tree and cause it to diminish in health and stability. This commonly occurs when the tree is planted at a very deep depth and too much of the trunk is buried under soil. To correct the issue and save the tree, Embark Services’s Certified Arborists will gently remove soil surrounding the tree to inspect for girdling roots wrapped around the trunk, root color deterioration, and wires or twine still left from initial planting. The Root Flare Excavation process involved removing any roots, wires or other hindrances around the base so that the tree health can be sustained without damaging the existing root system.

Trees are important assets of any residential property, so protecting their health and stability is essential for Houston property owners. Embark Services can help protect tree health and treat existing tree issues with their full range of exceptional tree care services, including tree pruning, tree planting, deep root fertilization, irrigation installation, root flare excavation, soil aeration, disease and insect treatment, and tree removal. Contact Embark Services’s team of Certified Arborists today for more information, or go online to request a free consultation.