Trees that grow in forests and other wooded areas don’t require the use of fertilizers and other supplements because of their nutrient-rich soil. Over time, falling leaves and tree debris decompose naturally and create a healthy, vibrant soil environment that allows trees and tree roots thrive.
Unfortunately, urban and suburban trees lack the benefit of these organic materials decomposing on their soil as they are often removed during lawn and tree maintenance. As a result, trees planted in developed areas need deep root fertilization in order to supplement the soil nutrients they would otherwise enjoy in natural settings. In today’s blog post, we’ll discuss four reasons why fall fertilization is so vitally important for trees in Houston.
Promotes Healthy Tree Growth
Encourage Root Expansion
Replenish Lost Nutrients
Reduces Tree Stress
When trees receive deep root fertilizer, this can significantly reduce tree stress, improving their natural defenses against invasive insects and deadly tree diseases. Trees can go into shock or experience tree stress when they have been subject t poor watering, hot temperatures, soil compaction, or extreme tree pruning or damages. Tree fertilization can help offset and even eliminate tree stress, creating a calmer and healthier environment for tree growth.
Embark Services specializes in protecting tree health and promoting stable tree growth on both residential properties of all sizes. Our team of Certified Arborists performs a full range of exceptional tree care services, including Deep Root Fertilization, Tree Pruning and Maintenance, Tree Planting, Irrigation Installation, Disease and Insect Treatment, and Tree Removal. Contact Embark Services for more information, or go online to request a free consultation!