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How To Protect Your Property From Invasive Insects and Diseases

From afar, a residential property might look like the pinnacle of health and beauty because of regular maintenance and beautiful landscaping. However, there may be hidden dangers threatening the health and beauty of a property. No matter how much time and energy we have invested in the health and beauty of our lawn and trees, the reality is that invasive insects and diseases can attack them at any time. To prevent this, property owners can take proactive steps to ensure their lawn, gardens, and trees are in optimal health to help reduce their vulnerability to these pests and diseases. In today’s blog post, we’ll look at how residential property owners can protect their land from invasive insects and deadly diseases.

Regular Maintenance From Professionals

A number of Houston property owners rely on amateur, untrained landscapers for their lawn and tree maintenance, but this can mean that invasive insects and deadly diseases will likely go undetected and untreated. Amateur landscapers and tree crews are not trained to identify the many types of warning signs or indicators of insect infestations or tree diseases. However, by choosing trained and experienced Landscape Professionals and Certified Arborists for regular tree and landscape maintenance, it is much more likely that any insects or diseases will be caught early and treated effectively.

Proper Lawn Drainage

Standing pools of water on residential properties are a breeding ground for harmful lawn and tree diseases such as fungi and mold that can devastate property health. In addition, insects are also attracted to standing water, and their growing population can also wreak havoc on nearby grass, gardens, and trees. However, when lawns have proper drainage, then rainwater is better absorbed into the ground or will runoff into water detention areas or sewers. This allows lawns, gardens, and trees to avoid standing areas of water and remain healthier throughout the year.

Correct Tree Pruning

One of the ways trees become most vulnerable to invasive insects and harmful tree diseases is due to wounds or damages to the tree. These wounds often occur at the hands of amateur tree crews, day laborers, or even property owners attempting their own tree pruning. Gaping wounds in tree trunks and limbs attract insects, and diseases may impact these trees more because of depleted resources caused by the wounds. Rather than risk tree health by having tree pruning handled by amateurs, property owners should instead have Certified Arborists perform all tree pruning and maintenance to ensure proper cuts are made and trees remain in peak health.

Embark Services is a leading provider of professional landscape and tree care services for residential properties throughout the greater Houston area. Embark Services’s team of Landscape Professionals and Certified Arborists have extensive training and experience providing exceptional care for lawns, trees, and exterior landscaping. Embark Services’s full range of services include tree pruning, tree planting, tree removal, and soil analysis and aeration. Contact Embark Services today for more information, or go online to request a free consultation.