If you own residential property, you know that tree health is an important facet of maintaining your property’s value, both economic and aesthetic. However, knowing when to properly care for your trees is just as important as how to maintain them to ensure many years of stable tree health. As we approach the fall and winter months, this is the ideal time to have tree trimming performed on your property for several reasons.
First, tree trimming performed in the late fall and early winter impacts tree health significantly less because trees are in a dormant, or inactive state. Limb and branch removal is not as stressful to the tree or root system, resulting in a quick recovery for the tree. Tree trimming performed in the late spring or early summer can jeopardize tree health as they are utilizing their resources for springtime growth and may not recover as well from limb removal, resulting in stunted growth or diminished yields.
When trees are trimmed in the late fall or early winter months, tree insects and tree disease organisms are also not active, meaning the risk of tree infection or infestation is greatly reduced. The tree does not have to spend energy protecting or repairing itself from tree disease or tree insects, but instead can focus solely on recovery from tree trimming. In addition, the wounds left from tree trimming close much faster than in spring or summer months, making your tree less susceptible to tree disease or insect infestation.
Finally, another major benefit to having tree trimming performed in the winter months is that when the tree leaves fall, the bare limbs and branches provide an unobstructed view of the entire tree structure, often revealing tree weaknesses or problems that need to be addressed to improve tree health. Bare tree limbs and branches provide better views of potential tree health issues such as limb cracks or breaks, v-crotch weaknesses, branch overgrowth or limbs growing too close to structures or utility lines. These issues can be dealt with promptly by Certified Arborists to ensure tree health is stabilized and future growth will not be impacted.
The Certified Arborists of Embark Services can perform your tree trimming needs with excellent care, using state-of-the-art equipment and industry-leading tree care and safety practices. In addition, Embark Services can also handle your other routine tree maintenance needs throughout the year, including deep root fertilization and root flare excavation. Embark Services also offers treeShield® Tree Storm Damage Warranty for all tree work performed to help minimize the cost of post-storm tree repair and debris removal. For more information on how Embark Services can partner with you to ensure years of healthy, vibrant trees on your residential property, request a consultation from their Certified Arborists or contact Embark Services for more information today.