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Tree Safety at Embark Service

At Embark Services, our first priority with tree safety is to ensure that everyone is working safely by properly training our staff. We go through all the equipment that we use with each employee, whether they’re coming on as a new employee with experience or a new employee with no experience. Everyone completes the same training program, regardless of their experience. Embark Services wants our team trained to our standard of tree safety. Safety is very important to us. We want everybody to make it home safe every day.

We are accredited with the TCIA, Tree Care Industry of America and Embark was the first accredited company through TCIA in the United States. TCIA tracks safety protocols with tree service companies and we maintain our accreditation with the organization.  We are also member of ISA, International Society of Arboriculture.

Major tree trimming safety topics that we focus on include proper PPE (personal protective equipment) used in the field and proper use of that equipment. We want to make sure that each employee has a basic understanding of what PPE is required and how to safely use the equipment in the field. All our foremen have an average of 5 to 20 years of experience at Embark Services. We rely on our foremen to work with the new employees out on the field and keep us informed on the progress of these employees as they are learning the Embark way of proper tree trimming. To keep the focus our entire staff on safety, we have weekly meetings to discuss practices and procedures. TCIA keeps us informed of accidents that have been reported to them. We use these incidents as learning lessons for our team to prevent something similar from happening at Embark.

When we are doing any sort of tree work, the first thing that the crews perform is an assessment of the condition of the tree. Are there any loose or hanging branches that could fall while you’re climbing up the tree? Are there any hazards around the tree itself? Are you properly blocking out the area to keep onlookers from walking into the work zone? Is the area clear for the tree branches and limbs to fall as the tree trimming or tree removal begins? Communication is also key. The crew members in the tree have to work in conjunction with the crew members on the ground to continue to maintain a safe environment.